



All the products that we provide in furnishing forum we also provide measurement and consulting services to help you take the best decision. When you visit us at furnishing forum we always make sure that you get the best of home furnishing. Our furnishing experts take measurement of your house and give you their expertise consulting so that every product you choose perfectly blends and matches to your interior.


An upholstery is a furniture with a padding of seat over it, that is of high quality leather or fabric. In furnishing forum we not only provide upholstery service but we also provide re-upholstery services. We have ready craftsmen to precise their fine art over all kind of upholstery services.


We are the team of artisans and craftsmen and with our experience we have understood that every person has their own choice and requirement of products and hence we are here to customise the products you choose according your needs. At furnishing forum we do connect with the requirement of every customer.


Commitment and convenience always comes first when you are with furnishing forum. We are commited to deliver the product on time and hassle free installation from our team. We have furnishing experts who are experienced in installing the products so that it matches your interior the perfect way.

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Mr Kunal Jalan took it up to himself to ensure that every minute detail was well taken care of from order to delivery. He and his team were well informed and well equipped to provide the quality service they promise. The Furnishing Forum team........

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Rachna Rai
(Founder: Prowess Tree Solution)
Client, Furnishing Forum

It is very important to have Building Insurance, Stock Insurance, Goods in Transit Insurance(Marine Insurance), Group Medical Insurance for employees and Liability Insurance etc. in events of uncertainties, there is protection available. Similarly,..

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Nagaraja Sirigeri
(Director: Karyam Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.™)
Client, Furnishing Forum

At Trip Kraft, we believe in offering our clients a lasting experience for all of their travel escapades. We ensure that from start to end their holiday is memorable. I can confidently recommend M/s Furnishing Forum to anybody wanting to purchase....

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(Proprietor: Trip Kraft)

Corporate Essentials Inc is a corporate gifting company. We had a very specific requirement. Mr Kunal was very good at understanding the need. He provided an excellent cost-effective solution. The team was too super-efficient and professional.......

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Corporate Essential Inc.
Client, Furnishing Forum